Hampshire Fungus Recording Group

Documenting the Fungi of Hampshire

East End Pond

Sun 12 Aug 2012

Helicogloea farinacea
Helicogloea farinacea
Photo © Alan Lucas

Field event ID HF1210

OS Grid areas: SZ3697 SZ3698

New Records:
New to VC11: Fibrodontia gossypina
New to HFRG: Helicogloea farinacea

Report: (Sue Rogerson) Eleven members set off not really expecting to find very many fungi which was indeed the case. I always admire the colour of Byssocorticium atrovirens and thought this was probably going to be the find of the day. Eric found a white resupinate which when it came to identification time was not immediately recognised and turned out to be Fibrodontia gossypina. This turned out to be new to the group and new for VC11. Two hydnoids were found Hydnellum spongiosipes and Phellodon confluens.I collected a small piece of white resupinate from some Salix. It had plenty of large spores and clearly visible hyphae but no obvious basidia. Alan’s knowledge and experience led him to Helicogloea farinacea which has only 9 records on the database but with duplicates making it only 5 records. It appears VC11 is a ‘hotspot’ for this rare fungus which is also new to the group.

Species list: Byssocorticium atrovirens, Chlorociboria aeruginascens, Diatrypella quercina, Fibrodontia gossypina, Gymnopus fusipes, Helicogloea farinacea, Hydnellum spongiosipes, Hymenochaete cinnamomea, Hymenochaete corrugata, Hymenochaete rubiginosa, Hyphoderma argillaceum, Hypoxylon fragiforme, Hypoxylon fuscum, Laetiporus sulphureus, Peniophorella praetermissa, Phellodon confluens, Polydesmia pruinosa, Russula vesca, Schizopora paradoxa