Hampshire Fungus Recording Group

Documenting the Fungi of Hampshire

Blashford Lakes

Sun 17 Apr 2011

Disciotis venosa
Disciotis venosa
Photo © Paul Hugill

Field event ID HF1105

OS Grid areas: SU1507 SU1508

Weather: The foray site was moved from Stockbridge Down because of the continuing warm dry weather. Enough said.

New Records:
New for Hampshire: Inocybe muricellata, Phoma samararum, Peroneutypa heteracantha, Pyrenopeziza benesuada, Lasiosphaeria canescens New for HFRG: Orbilia auricolor, Pezizella leucostigma, Gnomonia alni-viridis

Report: Another blazing hot spring day saw a dozen hopefuls, some travelling from as far as Wolverhampton, gather at Blashford Lakes in the hope of finding sufficient dampness to encourage some fungal fruiting. In the event and surprisingly so there were four of the larger Spring fungi 'showing nicely' - Morchella esculenta (Morel), Disciotis venosa (Bleach Cap), Gyromitra esculenta (False Morel) and Calocybe Gambosa (St George’s Mushroom). At the other end of the size scale Peter Thompson who is producing a photographic book of ascomycetes collected four new species for Hampshire Phoma samararum, Peroneutypa heteracantha, Pyrenopeziza benesuada and Lasiosphaeria canescens amongst a long list of ascomycetes including three more new to the group. A beautiful fresh specimen of Mycena acicula (Orange Bonnet) gave another opportunity for the macrophotographers including newcomer Bob Clarke. Everyone seemed to enjoy the day and the streams gave an opportunity to cool off in the heat which was taken up by our youngest forayers Brook and Hazel. Stuart thought he ought to track down an Inocybe armed with the new guide by Alan Outen and Penny Cullington and came up with Inocybe muricellata a name which Penny concurred with and another new species for Hampshire.

Species list: Adelphella babingtonii, Annulohypoxylon multiforme, Auricularia auricula-judae, Bjerkandera adusta, Byssomerulius corium, Calloria neglecta, Calocybe gambosa, Chaetosphaerella phaeostroma, Coprinellus disseminatus, Cylindrobasidium laeve, Dacrymyces stillatus, Daedaleopsis confragosa, Daldinia concentrica, Datronia mollis, Dendrothele acerina, Dialonectria episphaeria, Diaporthe samaricola, Diatrype bullata, Diatrype stigma, Diatrypella quercina, Disciotis venosa, Echinosphaeria canescens, Eutypella scoparia, Flagelloscypha minutissima, Fuscoporia ferrea, Ganoderma australe, Gyromitra esculenta, Hyaloscypha hyalina, Hymenochaete rubiginosa, Hyphoderma argillaceum, Hyphodontia sambuci, Hypholoma fasciculare var. fasciculare, Hypoxylon cercidicola, Hypoxylon fuscum, Hypoxylon howeanum, Hypoxylon petriniae, Hysterium angustatum, Inocybe muricellata, Inocybe rimosa, Junghuhnia nitida, Kuehneola uredinis, Lachnum niveum, Lachnum virgineum, Lasiosphaeria ovina, Lasiosphaeris hirsuta, Lenzites betulina, Leptosphaeria acuta, Melanoleuca exscissa var. exscissa, Mensularia radiata, Morchella esculenta, Mycena acicula, Mycena corynephora, Mycena speirea, Neosetophoma samararum, Ophiognomonia alni-viridis, Orbilia auricolor, Peniophorella praetermissa, Pezizella leucostigma, Phanerochaete sordida, Phellinus pomaceus, Phlebiella sulphurea, Pluteus cervinus, Puccinia sessilis, Puccinia urticata var. urticata, Pyrenopeziza benesuada, Pyrenopeziza petiolaris, Resinicium bicolor, Reticularia lycoperdon, Rhytisma acerinum, Rosellinia aquila, Sarcoscypha austriaca, Schizopora paradoxa, Scutellinia scutellata, Stereum hirsutum, Stereum rugosum, Tarzetta cupularis, Trametes versicolor, Trichaptum abietinum, Vuilleminia coryli, Xylaria hypoxylon