Hampshire Fungus Recording Group

Documenting the Fungi of Hampshire

New Identikit Key

Eric Janke has provided a new FSC Identikit key for European Mycena sensu lato More...

Next Field Event

Find further details of the next field event. More...


The HFRG is affiliated to the British Mycological Society and supports the aims of the Fungus Conservation Trust.


The HFRG is open to all who wish to share and develop an interest in the fascinating world of fungi. More...


The HFRG was founded when a group of fungal enthusiasts met at the Percy Hobbs public house outside Winchester in about 1988. Since that inaugural meeting, we have held an annual programme of autumn and spring surveys – formerly termed “forays” with the unfortunate connotation with foraging – and have now documented over 50,000 records covering well over 2000 species of fungi.

Our records are entered into The Fungal Records Database of Britain and Ireland and summary reports are periodically posted on this website.

Apart from the 20 to 30 meetings we hold each year, the group also communicate via an internet mailing list. This keeps members informed of recent news or changes to the group's activities. We try to keep those members who do not have email informed by telephone or post.

We hold one or two workshops each year with local or invited national experts. These events are very popular and well attended.

If you are interested in joining us do have look at the membership page and the rest of the website or contact the Program or Membership Secretary